Electronic Filing System


Docket Search

For more information on searching, please see the following link: How To Search

Docket Number:
Docket Title:
Docket Description:
Docket Notes:
Docket Type:
Docket Status: Each docket is assigned a status of either 'Open' or 'Closed'. The status of a docket generally indicates whether the docket is active or inactive. However, the status of a docket does not carry any legal implications. (i.e. The IUB may not being actively working on every Open docket, and Closed dockets can be re-opened at the discretion of the IUB)
Initial Filing Date:  - 
Primary Companies: Each docket has an associated Primary Company which indicates which company (or companies) is the subject of the docket. The docket title was previously used to define this relationship. Select the applicable companies from this list to view a list of dockets where the selected company is the Primary Company.
Participants: Each docket has a list of Participants. A Participant is any person or entity that has submitted a filing in the docket. Participants can be utilities, individuals, or companies
Industry Type:
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